We were delighted beyond words to visit with the Gustave White Sotheby’s team in Newport Rhode Island this week! They extended the warmest welcome as we shared some laughs and toured some of their stunning new listings.
The Naples and Newport markets share some interesting similarities as each market has an affinity for a refined yet relaxed lifestyle and where a boating enthusiast feels like a kid in the candy store.
Properties in Newport while grand all graciously accept the historical nature of their place given its foundation on Aquidneck Island in 1639. Downtown Newport boasts one of the highest concentrations of colonial homes in the nation and is also well known for its Gilded Age mansions built by the nation’s wealthiest families. We toured The Breakers, the summer cottage of the Vanderbilt family and while we were mesmerized not just by the scale of the structure and the baccarat crystal chandeliers but that the entire 62,000 square foot residence was built inside of two years! Today the Historical District Commission comprised of nine appointed citizens are tasked with maintaining the historic character of downtown and Newport at large, and strictly review exterior alterations to any building and issues a Certificate of Appropriateness.
The pride in the preservation of this historical and charming town is worth visiting many times over, as these impeccable beautiful structures and the stories they hold are endless.
We can’t wait to come back!